2020 Chesapeake Bay Buyboat 16th Annual Reunion Cruise.
The 16th annual reunion tour will be in ports in the Lower part of the Potomac River from the 301 bridge south.
These unique craft that were used to haul seafood and cargo using the Chesapeake Bay waterways before many of the peninsulas were connected by bridges. As the seafood harvest declined and highways became the mode of travel the large graceful buyboats faded from local waters. There are, perhaps, not more than 30 of the oyster buyboats remaining on the Bay.
The Chesapeake Bay Buyboat Association is comprised of owners and people who share the love of these big boats. The owners maintain and operate the remaining buyboats at their own expense. The owners bring their boats to ports around the Bay each summer so that the public can stand on the decks, touch them and understand their importance in history.
Schedule for the Lower part of the Potomac River
>> (3) August 3rd, Depart August 4th. Cobb Island, Maryland (Lunch) Anchor at St. Clements.
>> (6) August 6th. Depart August 7th. Cowart Seafood Corporation (on Facebook as cowart seafood), Virginia. (Arrive in the afternoon, 2 larger boats go pierside stern to stern. Other boats tie up to those two. Relax overnight with tour starting early AM. Tour will cover fresh oysters from shell to shipping, flash frozen oysters and chum.) The Samuel M. Bailey unloaded oysters here in the old days, welcome home. Underway for Tall Timbers after tour.
>> (9) August 10th. Depart For Home Ports
Schedule is locked in up thru port stop (5). Cowart Seafood might be DROPPED. Could be changes to time pierside in a port as needed.
Buyboats Attending Cruise will be updated with port stops when information is provided:
Schedule to Attend the following ports
PropWash, 65'x20'x5.5' - two 30 amp ex Agnes Sterling , Wayne Christy, Old Squaw [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Samuel M. Bailey, 47'x16'x4' - one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Thomas J., 52'x17'x5' - one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Emmett H 37'x10.6'x3' - one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
55th Virginia, 47'x14'x4' - one 30 amp, ex Twin Brothers II [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Nellie Crockett, 67'x21.4'x5.5' - one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (4)<<]
East Hampton, 65'x16'x5.5' - two 30 amp, [>>(1) thru (4)<<]
Mundy Point, 61'x15.7'x4.2' one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Half Shell, 54'x16'x5' one 30 amp [>> (5) thru (9) <<]
Linda Carol, 61'x14'x5' - one 20 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Waiting for Schedule Update
Bessie L., 51.5'x13'x3.5' - one 30 amp [>>(0) thru (0)<<] (Checking His Schedule)
F.D Crockett 63'x16'x4.5' - one 30 amp [>>(0) thru (0)<<]
Iva W., 60'x16.5'x4.5' - two 30 or one 50 amp [>>(0) thru (0) <<]
Muriel Eileen, 65'x20'x5.5' - two 30 or one 50 amp [>>(0) thru (0)<<] (Not attending)
P.E. Pruitt, 60'x16'x5' - one 30 amp [>>(0) thru (0)<<] (Not Attending)
Old Point, 58'x12.9'x3' one 20 amp [>>(0) thru (0)<<]
Annie D., 45'x14.4'x3.9' - one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Crow Brothers II, Need Boat Information and Power requirements [>>????<<]
Delvin K., 58'x18.3'x5.4' one 30 amp [>> ????<<]
Dudley, 60'x15.1'x4.3' one 30 amp[>>????<<]
Ella K., 50'x14.1'x4.1' - one 15 amp [>>Not Attending<<]
Elva C.., 49'x13'x3.5' - one 20 amp [>>????<<]
Ellen Marie, 61'x13.6x6' one 30 amp [>>????<<] (SOLD Not attending)
Georgie E., ex Captain Latane 56'x14.5'x4.8' two 30 amp[>>????<<]
Joy., 55'x16'x3.4'
Lillian Ruth, 64'x17.6'x5.9' one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Marion M, 65'x24'x5.5' one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Mildred Belle, 47'x15'x4.9' - one 15 amp [>>????<<]
Mobjack., 72'x25'x5.5' - one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Myrtel Virginia, 62'x19'x6.2' one 30 amp [>>????<<]
O.A. Bloxom, Need Boat Information and Power requirements [>>????<<]
Elva C. 49'x13'x3.5' one 20 amp [>>????<<]
Ocean View, 72'x24'x5.6' one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Pappa Francis, Need Boat Information and Power requirements [>>????<<]
Veteran, 50'x14.6'x3.6' - one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Winnie Estelle, 65'x16.5'x4' - one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Wm.B. Tennison, 61'x17.5'x4.5' - one 30 amp [>>????<<]
Northern and Southern Fleet Work/Support Boats Attending:
Shamrock, 41'X12'X4' one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]
Shadow Fae, 31'X12'X3' one 30 amp [>>(0) thru (0)<<]
Sheer Delight, 45'x15'x3' one 30 amp [>>(1) thru (9)<<]