2017 Chesapeake Bay Buyboat 13th Annual Reunion Cruse.
The 13th annual reunion tour will be in ports in the Middle of the bay.
These unique craft that were used to haul seafood and cargo using the Chesapeake Bay waterways before many of the peninsulas were connected by bridges. As the seafood harvest declined and highways became the mode of travel the large graceful buyboats faded from local waters. There are, perhaps, not more than 30 of the oyster buyboats remaining on the Bay.
The Chesapeake Bay Buyboat Association is comprised of owners and people who share the love of these big boats. The owners maintain and operate the remaining buyboats at their own expense. The owners bring their boats to ports around the Bay each summer so that the public can stand on the decks, touch them and understand their importance in history.
Buyboats Attending Cruise at this time:
F.D Crockett, 63'x16'x4.5' one 30 amp [>>All Ports<<]
Thomas J., 52'x17'x5' - one 30 amp [>>All Ports<<]
PropWash, 65'x20'x5.5' two 30 amp ex Agnes Sterling , Wayne Christy, Old Squaw [>>All Ports<<]
55th Virginia, 47'x14'x4' - one 30 amp, ex Twin Brothers II [>>All Ports<<]
East Hampton, 65'x16'x5.5' - two 30 amp, [>>All Ports<<]
Muriel Eileen, 65'x20'x5.5' - two 30 or one 50 amp [>>Crisfield, Tangier, Onancock, Reedville<<]
P.E. Pruitt, 60'x16'x5' - one 30 amp [>>Crisfield, Tangier, Onancock, Reedville<<]
Peggy, 55'x12.2'x4.3' one 20 amp [>>All Ports<<]
Old Point, 58'x12.9'x3' one 20 amp [>>All Ports<<]
Linda Carol, 61'x14'x5' one 20 amp [>>Crisfield, Tangier<<]
Northern and Southern Fleet Work/Support Boats Attending:
Shadow Fay, 31'X12'X3' one 30 amp [>>All Ports<<]
Schedule for Middle of the Bay Cruise
>> (1) July 28 thru July 30, 2017. Crisfield, Maryland (??????? Marina). >>> John/Cindy <<<
>> (2) July 30 thru July 31. Tangier Island, Virginia (Parks Marina). >>> John/Cindy <<<
>> (3) July 31 thru August 2. Onancock, Virginia (Town Marina). >>> John/Cindy <<<
>> (4) August 2 thru August 4. Reedville, Virginia (Crazy Crab Pier Side). >>> John <<<
>> (5) August 4 thru August 6. St Marys City, Maryland (Dove Pier). >>> John <<<
>> (6) August
>> (8) August Heading Home.
>>>>Schedule will be adjusted for weather, time underway when required.